Constitutional Status of Christian Minority in Pakistan: The Way Forward


  • Dr. Maqbool Anwar Assistant Professor of Political Science Govt. Shalimar Graduate College, Lahore Author


Minority, mob attacks, bomb blasts, Christian, Pakistan


Majority of Pakistani population is Muslim by religion. However, there are followers of other religions integrated into Pakistani society like Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Parsi, Bihai, Buddhist and so on.  Christians form 1.6 % of total population in Pakistan which is the second largest minority by religion in Pakistan.  In the last decade, there have been multiple violent attacks against Christians on multiple pretexts.  There has always been an outcry that minorities are being mistreated and discriminated. But there is a need to probe into the reasons, whether they are governmental, social or personal.  A close analysis of these violent attacks on Christians reveals that these attacks are usually either led by post 9/11 Islamists who came in Pakistan or by mobs incited on false blasphemy accusations on personal and economic benefits. This paper is an attempt to explore the responsible agencies, institutes and attitudes involved in this mistreatment of Christians. This paper is an attempt to explore some major attacks on Christian community in Pakistan, their reasons, consequences and ramifications for future. Moreover, the paper recommends some individual and collective acts which will help to build Pakistan as a more pluralistic, tolerant and peaceful society overall.


